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Lovely Lady Lions
The Haliburton & District Lady Lions started in 2017 and grew out of desire to have the Haliburton Lady Lions meet on the 3rd monday of the month to enjoy fellowship and friendship. It has strengthed our bonds and also provides an avenue for service as each Lady Lion who participates at the monthly event donates $2.00. This collection of money is donated in June to a local not-for-profit organization in our community.
Lions have fun and provide service at the same time.
January 19, 2019
Lion Linda Heeps' House

Potluck Lunch at Lion Linda

An afternoon of bingo

Lion Kathryn: Bingo dabber queen

Winners: Lions Carol, Kathryn & Ann
February 18, 2019
Lion Betty Mills' House

Great lunch

Lion David called in for tech help

Lion Marilyn bingo caller

Lion Kathryn wins Valentine game

Bingo winners
Lion Betty entertaining the Lovely Lion Ladies
March 18, 2019
Lion Mary Lawr's House
Sadly no photos were taken
April 15, 2019
Lion Marilyn Frost's House

Singing Happy Birthday to Helen

Always great food

Betty always brings a quiz
August 19, 2019
Lion Maureen Cook's event
October 21, 2019
Lion Pat Howlett's event at Maple Avenue

LLL at Maureen's house August 2019

Happy 5th Anniversary for LLL

French soup was a crowd pleaser

Lovely Lion Ladies having fun

Lion Tina won pink ear muffs
December 16, 2019
Lion Tina Hadley's Christmas Event and draw for our Annual Donation to a local Not For Profit organization.
This year's winner is Woodland Wildlife Sanctuary who will receive a donation of $710.00 from the
Haliburton Lions Lovely Lady Lions

Tina had soup and sandwich lunch

and then the Christmas exchange

and finally our annual draw
FEBRUARY 16, 2020
Lion Marilyn Frost House

Lion Marilyn & kathryn

Lion Jane & Moe

Great company & great food

Lion Moe's gift to the ladies

JUNE 15, 2020
Lion Gail Stelter's House

Lion Gail and all her hats

Lion Kathryn, the hat winner

Lion Joan

Lion Tina

Lion Jane

Lion Marilyn

Lion Ann

Lion Helen

Lion Betty

July 20, 2020
Lion Jane vanNood's House

October 19, 2020
Lion Betty Mills House




October 18, 2021
Lion Gail Stelter's house

















May 16, 2022
Lion Betty Mills house

Lion Tina Hadley displays the correct method of eating a French Macaron
January 30, 2023
Lion Tina Hadley's house

We had a draw to see which local Not for Profit would receive our monthly $2.00 free to participate in the Lovely Ladies Lions event.
The Woodlands Wildlife Sanctuary will receive a donation of $245.00 from the Haliburton Lovely Lady Lions Group
March 20, 2023
Lion Michelle Perrone's house
The group was small but the fun was huge

JUNE 17, 2024
Lion Gail Stelter's house
Poem by Lion Tina Hadley

Click on the slide show photo and it will open up to a large slide presentation show

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