
The Haliburton Lions Enchanted Forest Service Project
Update September 8, 2021 from Abbey Garden regarding the damage again at the Enchated Forest
We have some sad news to share about the Enchanted Forest. As many of you know, a few years ago the Enchanted Forest was vandalized and had to undergo some serious repairs. Fortunately, the community stepped up and helped us save this beloved feature at Abbey Gardens. It was clear that this space meant a lot to more than just the Abbey Gardens team, and we've been adding to it ever since. The Enchanted Forest is a completely free outdoor playground for kids, with areas set up that integrate with the forest to encourage safe play rooted (literally!) in ecology and the environment.
We are so grateful to all of the families who have enjoyed this space over the years, and those who have helped preserve the playground by playing respectfully and supporting the care fund. However, this summer we've had a lot of visitors who have not been as respectful. Many areas of the Enchanted Forest were damaged throughout the summer from rough play and willful destruction. We are saddened to say that over the coming weeks, areas of the Enchanted Forest will need to be closed as we try to repair and replace what we can.
Ultimately, it is likely that the Enchanted Forest will need to be re-imagined for next season. While we're not sure what that means yet, we hope that you will all have patience and understanding as we undergo this construction process. You can help us keep this space safe and prevent future damage by cleaning up areas after play, supervising children, and reporting any damage you see before it can potentially cause harm.
We are all hopeful that we can enjoy this magical space again soon!
We Serve!

The Haliburton Lions Enchanted Forest Service Project
Blog August 29, 2020
The Enchanted Forest at Abbey Gardens is open and so it was time to visit and see how things are coming along. My husband, son and grandchildren accompanied me. We took some of the wonderful books that were donated last month and put them in the Lions Little Free Library. It was also exciting to see the 4 tons of white stone! This was donated by Mark Lowes, owner of Westone / Whitestone Aggregates. I have attached pictures for you to see how amazing the white stone looks at the wishing well, fairy garden, under the bench and at the Little Free Library.
Our visit to Abbey Gardens also included a stop to see the horses, beer tasting and lemonade at Haliburton Highlands Brewery and the purchase of jam and cookies at the Abbey Gardens store.
Our next trip will be to deliver milk crates. These are needed at the Enchanted Forest. Two have been donated and I am on the hunt for two more. Please let me know if you have any to donate.
We Serve!

The Haliburton Lions Enchanted Forest Service Project
Update July 2022
The Haliburton Lions added more areas to the Enchanted Forest at Abbey Gardens. Come a visit to see what is new!
We Serve!