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Message From The President


President David Tice

The Haliburton and District Lions club has become a very visible and worthwhile part of the community. We provide help and service to many groups and citizens when needed and enjoy wonderful fellowship while doing it.

To learn more about Lionism please call me.

Lion David Tice

416 356-6249




About the Haliburton & District Lions Club


Haliburton Lions-Proud Past, Bright Future



​Our Beginning:  The Haliburton & District Lions Club was chartered in February 14,1978. The sponsoring club was the Oak Ridges Lions Club.
















Our Service Area:  As our name implies, we serve an area larger than the Village of Haliburton. Our service area ranges from Stanhope in the west to Cardiff in the east and includes the communities of Stanhope, West Guilford, Haliburton, Wilberforce, Harcourt, Cardiff and Highland Grove. 


Our District:  We belong to District A-16 of Multiple District A and we are the most northerly club in the district.  District A-16 is divided into four regions and Haliburton lies within Region 52, Zone 52 north.


Our Activities:  Our activities fall into two categories: service and fundraising to support those services. The youth of our community are a high priority and much of our work goes to that end. We are supporters of a variety of youth organizations ranging from sports teams to dance troupes to bursaries. One of our more recent initiatives is the Reading Action Program which is designed to encourage the improvement of literacy by providing quality reading material to those children who are most vulnerable. In addition, each year we perform vision and hearing screening to our kindergarten students in order to detect, early on, any indications of problems affecting learning. 


The health of our community is also a high priority. This includes but is not limited to our support the Food for Kids program; assisting with acquiring glasses or other needed medical aids; and, contributing  to several local camps as well as our own Lions’ Camps – Camp Kirk for children with learning disabilities handicaps, Lake Jo affiliated with CNIB and Camp Dorset for dialysis. We support other vulnerable sectors by helping seniors with acquiring assistive devices,  helping those devastated by fire, and by supporting such organizations as our hospital network, Fuel for Warmth, SIRCH,  three Food Banks and the Volunteer Dental Outreach Clinic.


Our Commitment:  Throughout our history, the Lions of Haliburton have come to be known for their steadfast work to help those in need and also for being strong community-minded citizens.

We Serve!





Haliburton Lions Charger February 14, 1978.jpg

A Year in the Life of a Haliburton Lion Video

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