Peace Poster Contest:
The theme of the Peace Poster Contest this year is
"Peace Without Limits".
Lion David Mills from the local Lions Club, Haliburton & District Lions Club visited JD Hodgson Elementary School to advise them of the contest and encourage participation. The Haliburton Lions Club then judged all the participants for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place at the local level. The 1st place winner's poster of Maya Parish (a jpg file) was submitted virtually by November 4th to the District level by the Lion's club representative with an image of the completed winner sticker, a completed student quote about peace and a picture of the student holding their poster.
All the images of the posters of the 1st place winners from the DistrictA16 will be assembled using Survey Monkey and then sent out by our District A16 Secretary to our A16 Cabinet for judging. The winners at the District level will be announced by the Peace Poster Committee.
Haliburton Winners from JD Hodgson Elementry School
Left to right: Lion Betty Mills, 1st place winner: Maya Parish, 3rd place winner: Amy LePage, teacher: Zoe Preston, 2nd place winner: Ruby Mansfield, unnamed student,
Lion James Lawr