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Lions Club International Sight Program

Prevent Blindness, Saving Sight for Millions of People Around the World

Since Lions Clubs International was founded in 1917, Lions have worked on projects designed to prevent blindness, restore eyesight and improve eye health and eye care for hundreds of millions of people worldwide. Indeed, sight is one of Lions defining causes. Through professional training, healthcare system development and wide spread drug treatment distribution, Lions have gained worldwide recognition for their work to improve sight and prevent blindness. Lions around the world are also actively involved in:

  • Recycling eyeglasses at 18 centers worldwide.

  • Supporting Lions Eye Banks that provide eye tissue for sight-saving surgeries.

  • Screening the vision of hundreds of thousands of people every year.

  • Preventing blindness by providing treatment to those at risk of losing their vision.

Recreational Camps

Lions proudly support recreational camps that are customized to meet the special needs of children and adults who are blind or who have severe vision loss. With input from experts – physicians, departments and ministries of health and local foundations – Lions have organized recreational camps to give these individuals the unique experience of camping. 

Vision Screenings

A vision screening is performed to identify possible vision problems.  Lions partner with eye care professionals to carry out joint screening events.

Lions Recycle For Sight

In just about any home, one can find a pair of eyeglasses that are no longer being used. That same pair of eyeglasses can change another person's life.

That's why the Lions started the Recycle For Sight program. Everyone can help.

Throughout the year, Lions, Leos and other volunteers collect used eyeglasses and deliver them to regional Lions Eyeglass Recycling Centers (LERCs). LERC volunteers clean, sort by prescription strength and package the glasses. Recycled glasses are distributed to people in need in low and middle income commmunities where they will have the greatest impact.

Eyeglass Recycling – How You Can Help

If you have used eyeglasses you no longer need, you can donate them now. Lions accept prescription and reading glasses, sunglasses and plastic and metal frames. Children's glasses are especially needed. Here's how you can help.

Lions Clubs International Foundation - Sight Programs

In addition to all of the programs mentioned above, Lions Clubs International Foundation supports several large-scale partnership initiatives, research opportunities and grant programs that aid the Lions in their sight saving efforts



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