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The Haliburton Lions support their hospitals

Haliburton Lions Polar Bear Challenge (Dip)

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

It is unique! It is fun! It happens in February at Frost Fest. It is cold! It raises money for our local hospital: Haliburton Highlands Health Services Foundation (HHHSF) and for the Garron Family Cancer Centre: Hospital for Sick Children. And, oh yes, it has become a tradition of community caring and sharing for 8 years of yesterdays. Our most recent yesterday, February 2020, was a record year! Those wonderful dippers collected pledges and jumped in for charity! It was also the year that our Lions District A16 Governor, Deb Dawson joined the cause and through her efforts we qualified for grant from LCI (Lions Clubs International). Because of Deb and all our brave and hearty dippers, we were able to raise the total donated to Haliburton to $17,493.95 and $54,186.20 to Sick Kids. Wow! Thank you to the Hospital for Sick Children who acknowledged and celebrated our donation with a plaque, dedicated to Lions A16, on their donor wall. Thank you to HHHSF who always shouts out our praises! But we know the thanks belongs to the dippers. Thanks dippers!

Today. Well, as you know, this is our year of Covid and so many events have been cancelled. No, not cancelled forever just for today of 2021. We hold true to our commitment to donate. We are pleased to announce our recent donation of $1000 to Sick Kids and $2000 to Haliburton Highlands Health Services Foundation. It was a typical blustery winter day when Lions Tina Hadley and Jim and Marilyn Frost brought the big cheque to Lisa Tompkins, Director HHHSF. It is always fun to celebrate giving!

Tomorrow. Oh, we will be back. It will be unique! It will be fun! It will be cold and the dippers and Lions will be there. We are already looking forward to the tomorrows of 2022 and the Haliburton and District Lions Club Polar Bear Challenge! We hope to see you all next year!

Article appeared in The Highlander

Photo in the Haliburton County Echo

Thank you from the Hospital for Sick Children for our large donation last year due to the participation of the 2020 Lion District A16 Governor Deb Dawson and Lions Club International Foundation matching our donation.



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